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About Benefits Of Dental Implants Norfolk VA

By Marci Nielsen

Our teeth are always on display. Next to our eyes, they are probably the first thing people notice about us. Good-looking teeth - as opposed to black, broken, and missing ones - are a mark of both health and beauty. Dental implants Norfolk VA way can help people regain what might have been lost over the years.

Life in general - and modern life in particular - is hard on teeth. Refined and sugary foods cause decay. People in a hurry fail to brush, floss, and visit the dentist as often as good oral hygiene demands. Early childhood nutrition and daily diet as adults affects how well our teeth will stand up to the years of use and abuse. Illness can cause discoloration and loss, and injury can knock them right out of your head.

It used to be that those who lost teeth just went around with a gap in their smile. Toothless folks were hard to understand, since speaking clearly depends partly on having well-aligned teeth. They had to eat soft food or mumble bones. They never appeared on the rich and famous unless they knew the Beverley Hillbillies.

False teeth helped many retain the look if not the feel of the real thing. Although dentures could slip, making eating and talking difficult, and took some of the pleasure out of every morsel of food, at least people could smile when introduced to others. Trying to get well-fitting and natural-looking dentures could become a long quest.

Bridges are partial dentures, designed to replace one tooth or a few missing ones. They hook onto real teeth, which is not good for the ones used as support. However, they can make things easier for those who have lost their two front teeth or a molar or two. These partial replacements are less uncomfortable than full dentures but are often a temporary solution.

Implants, on the other hand, are replacements that become as firmly seated and as comfortable as real teeth. A titanium post is set into the actual socket of a missing tooth, and it fuses to the bone as the jaw grows around it. The crown that covers it is matched carefully to the rest of a person's teeth, so even front teeth can look as natural as the real thing.

This, of course, takes all the disadvantages out of wearing false teeth. There is no more covering the roof of the mouth with plastic. There is no more slippage. A carefully matched implant looks like a natural tooth that has received due care forever. Event the color can be matched exactly to your own remaining teeth.

Finding dental implant specialists in Norfolk VA is easy. Schedule a free consultation to see if you have the bone structure to make this procedure successful. It is an affordable and relatively painless way to regain what you may have lost to time, injury, illness, or poor oral hygiene. Getting your smile back will be a new lease on life.

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