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For Busy People You Should Consider Colon Cleansing Diet

By Jeremy Gutierrez

The colon is the one organ in the human body that's able to positively or negatively affect every other organ in the body, and in order to keep your colon clean, you need to have a proper colon cleansing diet.

There are a number of different commercial colon cleansing products that are available on the market today, but it's important to realize that what's going to work best on your colon is natural, healthy ingredients... so rather than just running out and grabbing the first thing you see off the shelves, you may want to consider using a homemade, natural colon cleansing diet.

The first thing you need to know about a colon cleansing diet is that you have many different options. There are herbal cleanses, fiber programs, diets and fasting and oxygen cleanses. So, you need to know what type of detox and colon cleansing diet you want to go on.

For many first timers, the fiber programs are the gentlest and offer good results, but if you're looking for something more intense, you might want to consider a specialized diet. One of the most important colon cleansing dieting tips which should never be ignored is to determine your age and total health before you consider one type of colon cleansing diet over another. If you tend to become very weak when you don't have food after a couple of hours, for instance, you may want to rule out fasting, which could have very negative side effects for you.

What breaks my heart the most is the percentage of our children that fall into the range of being obese. I just ask that you keep that in mind as you take on this new venture because children will follow the examples set by the adults in their life and if more parents would live by example it would help our children tremendously.

I just have one last thing I would ask of you, when it comes to trying to lose weight you have to get rid of the word trying and replace it with "I am going to." Okay that's it for the lecturing, I will get down to business.

Colon Cleanse Diet uses a combination of herbs, natural supplements and a healthy amount of liquids to clean (cleanse) your body of toxins and other by products resulting from the foods that we eat and the environment we live and breathe in.

Fasting can be done for several days. It's important to listen to your body and realize when it is time to stop.

A juice colon cleansing diet is a lot like a fast. You use the depravation of processed foods, fats, and salts to clean the colon, but with the addition of drinking quantities of high fiber juices. Prune juice has been touted as one of the most powerful cleansing juice since it has a large amount of fiber, but any juice with fiber will work.

I am not a doctor but I have had enough experience with this type of problem in dealing with my clients and there really are just two primary methods for a proper colon cleanse. Depending on the types of symptoms you are presenting the more serious cases should be handled by your health practitioner. If you feel sluggish day in and day out and you have noticed a significant decrease in your energy levels and you are not eliminating on a regular basis these are all signs that you should have a complete colon irrigation.

Eat in moderation. Eat only organic whole foods in which at least 50% of your fruit and vegetable intake is eaten whole and uncooked. Try to drink 16oz. of fresh vegetable juice a day that contains no more than 20% carrots.

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